Youth Ministry
& The Way
Navigating the Landscape Beyond Confirmation

The recent lowering of Confirmation age with the introduction of The Way presents a paradigm shift in how we approach high school youth ministry in our diocese. Confirmation prep will no longer be a staple of youth ministry programs for older teens. Understandably, this is a cause for concern. It fundamentally changes the dynamic of how many youth are brought into the high school ministry programs.
Fortunately, Dr. Bob Rice has seen this change in numerous dioceses across the country and believes this shift can help youth ministry programs to thrive, not die. However, it requires a new way of thinking about high school ministry.
From September 15th-17th, Dr. Rice will be on our diocese to present his vision for youth ministry in a post-Confirmation world. This workshop is a must for youth ministers and core team members as we move forward in implementing The Way Youth to Young Adult Initiative.
About Bob Rice
Bob Rice loves being Catholic. He is a husband, father of seven, permanent deacon for the diocese of Steubenville, and Professor of Catechetics at Franciscan University of Steubenville. He is a popular podcaster, sensational speaker, astounding author, masterful musician, and above-average accordion player.
Deacon Bob is a highly sought after presenter at parish missions, youth conferences, men’s conferences, young-adult gatherings, and catechetical workshops. He has recorded numerous CDs (his music can be found on Apple Music, Spotify, and others) and leads worship for over ten thousand people every year, mostly through the Steubenville Adult Conferences.

Youth Event
Sunday, September 15: 7-8:30pm
Youth event at St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish.
YM Team Workshop
Monday, September 16: 12-2pm or 6-8pm Presentation for Youth Ministers, DREs, Confirmation Coordinators, and youth volunteers in the Chancery Baum Room.
Clergy Luncheon
Tuesday, September 17: 12-2pm
Presentation for priests in the Chancery Baum Room with lunch provided.