Evaluate Your Ministry Plan for Mission Effectiveness

A Guided Learning and Self-Discovery Process

The Clear Path for Discipleship is a guided learning and self-discovery process that equips parish leadership to self-evaluate their current ministry situation and needs.

After which they can custom design solutions to meet their particular challenges.

The process helps parish leaders form a plan addressing the needs of people at every stage of faith development, thus forming missionary disciples.

It's Like Crossing a Stream

Imagine a stream with a stepping stone path leading across. If the stones are set at the right distance, crossing the stream is as easy as walking across the street.

However, if the stones are set too far apart, or one is missing, it becomes much more precarious. You might have to jump from one stone to the next. In that case, the chances of falling off the path and into the water increase.

Just like the stone path across the stream, if the steps along the spiritual path are too far apart or missing, it's difficult for people to progress. The likelihood of them stalling in progress or falling off the path and away from the Church increases.

Guidance from the Clear Path process helps you layer ministries so parishioners can progress smoothly toward deeper relationship with Christ, spiritual growth, and missionary fruitfulness without any duplicated efforts. 

"The pace of this accompaniment must be steady and reassuring, reflecting our closeness and compassionate gaze which also heals, liberates and encourages growth in the Christian life."
Pope Francis-Evangelium Gaudium 169

The Steps Along the Path

The Clear Path defines the stages of spiritual development from non-believer to missionary disciple-maker and provides a process for evaluating the mission effectiveness of parish ministry structures.

People in different stages of development need different ministry approaches. There is no one program that can work for everyone. 

Learning to identify where people are in their faith journey allows you to minister to them in a way that meets their needs. 

The Clear Path allows parish leadership to design a ministry plan that meets parishioner needs at every stage of spiritual development and intentionally moves them to the next step.

Con·ver·sion [noun] :

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, a person believes in God, trusts in his mercy, and makes the decision, or recommits, to live as a follower, or disciple, of Jesus Christ.(see Mark 1:15; Mark 8:34; Acts 2:38-42)

Dis·ci·ple·ship [noun] :

The process of accompanying a person through conversion to a deeper, ongoing relationship with Jesus, and then mentoring them to share the Gospel with others. (see Mark 1:17-20; Hebrews 13:7; 1 Corinthians 11:1)

The Thresholds of Conversion and Discipleship Chart is the tool we use to craft the parish ministry pathway.

The chart is a combination of two resources, written in everyday language, focusing on an individual's spiritual journey. Think of this chart as a continuum moving from left to right, increasing in:

  • trust in the Lord, 
  • love, relationship with Jesus,
  • activity/personal initiative,
  • and involvement in the community. 

In the Beginning People Need Relational Outreach:

A relational witness to the love of God through personal accompaniment, acts of service and mercy, and joyful living. 




Next, Conversion Greenhouses Facilitate Decision:

An effort to proclaim the Good News to those who are receptive and to facilitate an encounter with Jesus leading to a decision to begin (or begin again) as a disciple.



Decision Is The Hinge

The decision, in faith to follow Jesus as an obedient disciple in the midst of the Church, which brings about new life. 

After Decision is the Time for Transformational Growth:

Transformational experiences of authentic community and formation to help people grow as intentional disciples in the content and habits of the faith.

Beginning Disciple

Growing Disciple

Finally, Missional Teams Train and Support Missionaries:

A small (but growing) band of missionary disciples with a shared mission to serve individuals at particular thresholds along the journey. 

Commissioned Disciple

Disciple Maker

Spiritual Multiplier

In the Clear Path Process You Will:

Gain clarity on your parish mission goals.

Understand the essentials of what makes the Clear Path work.

Develop senior leadership and discipleship teams.

Learn how to reach the hard-to-reach people.

Create an easy-to-follow path of spiritual growth for parishioners.

Get your whole parish moving in the same direction--one parish family on mission together.

The Clear Path is...

  • A Process, Not a Program
    This process leads pastors and parish leaders (including school leaders) in a process of self discovery and  understanding helping them respond to their current situation. Guidelines...not set, defined programs. The goal is to equip parish and school leaders to continually evaluate, implement and improve discipleship efforts.
  • A Way to Figure Out Your Solutions for Your Situation
    Provides multiple resources and ways to address particular needs depending on the unique culture, demographic, and context of the parish (and schools). We have suggestions, but there can be many ways to reach the goal and each parish has complete freedom to determine the best ways to create a clear path that will work for their own situation.
  • Not a Do-It-Yourself Workshop
    Accompaniment is the foundation of this process. One of our facilitators will walk with your team every step of the way. You'll always know where to get answers and how to proceed.

Next Steps



The first step is to introduce the process, answer any questions, and help you figure out who to invite to the workshop. You'll want to get together a team of parishioners who can help you implement the Clear Path vision. 



The workshop lasts approximately six hours. You can do it in three night time sessions during the week or in one all-day session on a Saturday. The only costs associated with the workshop are snacks and/or lunch (for Saturday workshops). 



Facilitators can continue to meet with your team to guide discussions for ongoing implementation of the Clear Path if you so choose.   

Contact us:

Direct line: 816-714-2325


20 West 9th Street, Kansas City, MO 64105

Contact us:

Direct line: 816-714-2373



20 West 9th Street, Kansas City, MO 64105