A Guide for Average Catholics Who Want to Evangelize But Need Some Basic Training
Learn the Basic Skills of Evangelization That Will Give You the Confidence to Share Your Faith with Anyone

Despite a deep faith, many Catholics are uncomfortable and lack the skills to share their faith with others.
Pope Francis continually challenges all baptized Christians to actively engage in evangelization. But for the most part, it doesn't happen. Meanwhile, parish membership is dwindling.
In 2020, Mass attendance numbers in our diocese were roughly half what they were in 1970 and the trend continues downward.
Sharing your faith is not easy. Some "experts" say it's the simplest thing in the world, like sharing about your favorite movie or restaurant. But is it?
Today's social climate can be hostile toward Christianity and talking about it can be uncomfortable. If you do it wrong, you could end up with egg on your face.
Often people think evangelization is someone else's job, like the priests or church professionals. But really, evangelization is everyone's responsibility and calling.
There aren't enough clergy or staff to complete this work. We need Catholics from every walk of life interacting with people they meet everyday at work, school, and social events.
Sadly, the average Catholic feels ill-prepared to talk about faith with someone who doesn't believe.
Studies show, even among Catholics who know they should share their faith and want to, they lack the confidence to start conversations and the skills to know when it's appropriate.
There is a great need for education in evangelization skills, and a great deal of interest among committed Catholics in further developing those skills.
That's what this study is about!
what you get
Here’s what you’ll learn in Every Catholic a Disciple Maker!
This booklet/study equips average Catholics to become competent evangelizers. Here you'll learn the basic skills of evangelization that every Catholic should know but was never taught. The strategies in this book teach you the right response for the right time, so you won't have to worry about awkward or uncomfortable situations.
No more guessing about what might work. This is more than just
theoretical knowledge.
We draw from experts who have done the work of evangelization and discipleship in parishes, universities, and in daily life for 30+ years.
Learn proven techniques to share your faith effectively.
Never worry again about what you will say if someone asks about your Catholic Faith.
We give you a framework to discern, step-by-step, the right way to respond to people about faith and help them in their own faith journey.
Read every encounter and engage people without worry.
Feel fully prepared to interact with non-Catholics, and other seekers, about your love for the Church.
Saddened by so many people leaving? You'll become a vital part of reversing that trend and helping people discover the beauty of Catholicism.
Gain the confidence to live the mission and tell others about Jesus.
Get the Skills to Carry Out Your God-Given Mission
We're building an army of everyday evangelizers. Join us!
Meet the Creative Team

Marc Cardaronella

Dino Durando
contributing author

Leyden Rovelo-Krull
contributing author

Kristen Marquis
layout and design

This website resource was produced by the Office of the Domestic Church and Discipleship of the Diocese of Kansas City—St. Joseph to assist in the mission of the Catholic Church and to implement The Clear Path for Discipleship in our parishes, schools and homes. The Clear Path for Discipleship is a goal for the implementation of our diocesan mutually shared vision, One Family: Restored in Christ—Equipped for Mission.
This website is funded by the Missouri State Council of the Knights of Columbus and their Religious Information Bureau (R.I.B.) fund for evangelization. Get INFORMATION about the Missouri State Council Knights of Columbus, or BECOME A MEMBER today.