The Kerygma: Key Doctrines – Study Questions

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Segment One: The Proclamation of the Good News

Video Length: 11:20 (10:13 actual instruction)

The kerygma is a short, focused proclamation highlighting the Good News of the saving life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Read paragraph 1 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), which is itself a beautiful presentation of the kerygma. Select two or three phrases or points that strike you as Good News and discuss with the group why you chose these in particular.

Segment Two: Jesus – the Christ

Video Length: 11:51

When God became incarnate in the Person of Jesus Christ, it was the culmination of his plan of redemption, the fulfillment of the hopes and dreams of the people of Israel. The people were eagerly awaiting the coming of the Messiah, and God remained faithful to His people.

Reflect on the fact that God keeps His promises. First, choose a Scripture verse or passage in which God makes a promise. You may either choose a passage or use the following: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:28–29). Say what promise you see God making in that passage.

Next, choose a story about a saint that shows this particular promise being fulfilled. For example, if you have chosen the above passage from Matthew, you may look for a story about a saint who sought to put his or her work into our Lord’s hands, or about a saint who found great peace even amidst struggles or adversity.

Discuss the particular saint story you chose, and then how you see this story as a fulfillment of the promise made by God in the Scripture verse or passage you chose.

Segment Three: The Center is Jesus

Video Length: 8:51

Jesus Christ shows us the kind of life we are to lead, and the destiny to which we are called as precious sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father.

Even in the very simple, ordinary tasks and acts of Jesus’ life, He reveals to us the beauty of living out the Gospel message by loving others and by doing ordinary things with great love. Please discuss the following question as a group: How can you express the Gospel message in and through the ordinary tasks of your daily life?

In other words, if the kerygma is a message of God’s unceasing love, how might you reflect something of His love through tasks you do on a regular basis? How might you reflect this love to your students through your teachings in class?

Segment Four: The Resurrection

Video Length: 9:07

Dr. Burgwald referred to a painting called “The Incredulity of Saint Thomas,” painted by Caravaggio, in which we see St. Thomas standing before the resurrected Jesus in awe, putting his finger into the wound in Jesus’ side, just as Jesus invited him to do in John 20:27.

Read the paragraphs in the Catechism that treat of Christ’s Resurrection from the dead, CCC 638–658. Then, discuss with the group something striking about Jesus’ Resurrection that this sacred image conveys…a point, or several points, that were also taught in the Catechism section that you read.

Segment Five: Jesus is Lord

Video Length: 9:51

Dr. Burgwald explained how, in the cultural context of ancient Rome, the Emperor was referred to as “Kyrios” or “Lord.” The king’s actions and decisions affected everyone, whether you liked them or not…there was no escape.

To say Jesus is Lord is to proclaim him the King of the Universe. If this is true, what does that mean for you? If Jesus is Lord and the universe his domain, doesn’t that mean his actions affect everyone and everything? What does it mean to say that Jesus is Lord of all…even all of my life and my job as a Catholic School teacher? Discuss this with the group.

Segment Six: The Love of the Father

Video Length: 10:18

In this final segment, we heard a critical point: our Heavenly Father did not create us, or send His Son and Spirit, only to save us from sin and death and the devil; rather, He created us and sent them to us so we could share in the beautiful, eternal life of the Trinity.

Read the following sentence from CCC 1: “In his Son and through him, he invites men to become, in the Holy Spirit, his adopted children and thus heirs of his blessed life.” Take some time to think about and discuss what it means that God has created us to be His children, so that in Him we might find our loving Father.

Consider the following questions as a group:

  • What is it that makes for a wonderful earthly father?
  • How does this ideal of an earthly father translate to what our Heavenly Father, Who loves us
  • infinitely more than any human person could, is like?
  • If I were to have an incredible earthly father, how would I desire to treat him?
  • How, then, do I desire to treat my Heavenly Father, Who has loved me into existence?

Discuss what struck you most in this workshop and how you might share the kerygma (or various elements of the kerygma) with your students.